ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFIED
- CEAI National Awards for Excellence in Engineering Consultancy Services - Cantilever Construction of Bridge over Punatsangchhu, Bhutan
- Maharashtra PWD Medal for the Best Paper for Construction – in recognition of paper No. 657: Fast Track Aesthetic Design of Segmental Elevated Road Bridge
- ArchiDesign Awards - 2016 for the Best Structural Engineering Design of the year - Cantilever Construction of Bridge over Punatsangchhu, Bhutan
- Indian Building Congress Award - Infrastructure Projects Cantilever Construction of Bridge over Punatsangchhu, Bhutan
- The Institution of Engineers (India) - IEI Industry Excellence Award at Indian Engineering Congress 2015
- Indian Building Congress Award- Infrastructure Projects for Bangalore Station – 7 Elevated Stations-Section 3
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) – Felicitation of Eminent Engineers on Engineers Day
- CEAI National Awards for Excellence in Engineering Consultancy Services 3rd Award to Badarpur Elevated Corridor
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Most Outstanding Prestressed Concrete Structure) – Bangalore-Hosur Elevated Expressway
- Indian Roads & Highways Award – Engineering firm of the year for Outstanding Contribution
- FIB Congress (Nominated for the Outstanding Structures Award) Infrastructure Projects for Common Wealth Games (2010)
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Most Outstanding Prestressed Concrete Structure) at 3-Level Grade Separator at Ghazipur Intersection on NH-24 Bypass - 2013
- Central Public Works Department – The Arch Shaped Suspended Pedestrian Bridge on Barapullah Road near Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi has been awarded a special prize for Innovation & Design
- Institute for Steel Development & Growth Award - Foot over Bridge at 3-Level Grade Separator at Ghazipur Intersection, New Delhi
- Indian Building Congress Award- Infrastructure Projects for Common Wealth Games
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Innovative Application of Special Concrete Award) – Approaches to Signature Bridge
- Institute for Steel Development & Growth Award - Grade Separator at Mukarba Chowk
- Construction Industry Development Council (Vishwakarma Award) - Grade Separator at Ghazipur on NH-24
- Construction Industry Development Council (Vishwakarma Award) - Grade Separator at Mukarba Chowk
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Most Outstanding Prestressed Concrete Structure) – Barapulla Elevated Corridor
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Most Outstanding Concrete Structure) - Badarpur Elevated Corridor
- Central Public Works Department – Barapulla Elevated Corridor
- Construction Industry Development Council (Vishwakarma Award) - Barapulla Elevated Corridor
- Construction Industry Development Council (Vishwakarma Award) - Badarpur Elevated Corridor
- CNBC TV18 (Infrastructure Award) - Badarpur Elevated Corridor
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (Innovative Design Award ) - Grade Separator at Mukarba Chowk
- Central Public Works Department – Grade Separator at Mukarba Chowk
- Indian Concrete Institute Award (Most Outstanding Concrete Structure) - Khalsa Heritage Complex
- Indian Building Congress Award (Excellence in Built Environment) - Khalsa Heritage Complex
- Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers (National Award for Most Outstanding Bridge) - Superstructure in PSC- Punjagutta Flyover at Hyderabad
- Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers (National Award for Most Outstanding Bridge) - Bangalore-Hosur Elevated Expressway
- Indian Concrete Institute (Best Structure Built in UP) - Bridge Across River Ganga at Allahabad
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (Innovative Design Award) - Khalsa Heritage Complex
- FIB Congress (Nominated for the Outstanding Structures Award) - Elevated Viaducts of Delhi Metro
- Archidesign Award - Structural Engineer of the year
- Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers (National Awards) - Elevated Rail Corridor for Delhi Metro
- Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers (National Awards) - Dudhar Bridge on Jammu Udhampur Rail Link
- Consulting Engineers Association of India - Excellence in Engineering Consultancy Services
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (Innovative Design Award) - Clover Leaves at ITO
- Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers (National Award for Most Outstanding Bridge) - Dodan Nallah Arch Bridge
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers – for Dodan Nallah Arch Bridge
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (Innovative Design Award) - Samtel Colour Factory, Ghaziabad